Susie Amy's Reviews ARK's Radiance Serum | ARK Skincare


Check out how Susie Amy uses her Radiance Serum!

Adding a few drops of serum in with my foundation gives the most fabulous glow. This tip was given to me by Stephanie Pratt when I introduced her to ARK Skincare’s Radiance Serum. She loved the product and when I asked her how she used it, as well as using it in it’s recommended way as a serum underneath her moisturiser, she would mix a few drops in with her foundation. I’ve never seen skin as good as Steph’s so I’ve started doing the same! I use MAC’s Waterweight SPF 30 Foundation in shade NC20 every day at work at the moment – great coverage without being heavy and I mix in the serum that not only makes me glow but is a potent blend of encapsulated Vitamin C and Amino Acids. 


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