As the season's change, as does our beauty regime along with it. My products get rotated to suit the weather and the effects it causes on my skin...
It's always the same case, isn't it? The turning and bitterness of the wind can be harsh on our skin, causing chapped lips, dry skin, and red little noses. It is always around October time that I bring out my gloves and earmuffs to keep my lugs warm, there's nothing worse than stone cold ears now, is there? I always seem to bring out more and more skincare products too, as I just feel as if my skin could do with that extra TLC. There happens to be a serum a-plenty and an eye-cream galore that gets added into my simple routine, just so that my skin can soak up every single ounce of moisture that it possibly can because boy, oh boy, does it need it.

Despite it being the colder months, there is still a touch of that Winter sun that comes out on the golden hour, which can give the most beautiful light and glow ever. SPF is still a necessity whether there are clouds in the sky or not, harmful rays still burst out of that sunshine. This Chantecaille Ultra Sun Protection SPF 50 can double up as a makeup primer for an extra level of protection for the skin because SPF should be worn all year round. We also often find our skin on the dehydrated side, looking rather lacklustre thanks to the wind giving it a beating when we're out walking the dogs and what not. Hyaluronic acid is a key ingredient to have in a product to give you the boost and plumpness your skin may need. Omorovicza's Oxygen Booster combines that beauty of an acid with oxygen molecules to revitalise dry skin, plump it out and smooth the complexion. If you are ever having a makeup free day and need some added skin-loving, this can be a wonder.
In the summer, I often can't wait to take off my makeup after a warm day and to be honest, I can't wait to take it off after a groggy one this time of year too! Instead of using something that can strip our skin, why not use something to continue the daily hydration boost? I often get sniffly at this time of year, which gives me mega dry patches around my nose (anyone else?!) from all the tissue blowing! Using an hydrating cleanser like this Jurlique Ultra Rich Cleanser can help repair the skin back to normal. Its combination of botanicals is designed to specifically assist the skin against the environment - perfect!

Finally, we have a product to round off the day with a name to match it's acting, the De-Stress Serum by ARK. This product looks like you're dabbing milk onto your face, but it gives such a calming effect to the skin, perfect to round off a pamper evening. The product has chamomile to give an anti-inflammatory effect, assisting in getting rid of any kind of issue with the skin, whether that irritation or sun damage. It's a little pippette full of magic!