Have you lost your usual glow? Is your skin looking tired? – ARK Skincare


Have you lost your usual glow? Is your skin looking tired?

There may be a variety of reasons why your skin has lost its usual healthy glow.

Ask yourself the following questions:
Are you dehydrated? Drinking water is essential to happy healthy skin. We know we should drink two litres a day and that it will benefit our overall health in a number of ways, but in the course of a busy day it can sometimes be hard to achieve. How to fix it: Carry a water bottle with you at all times and take regular sips - you will feel and see the benefit. In addition make sure you do not use cleansers which strip out moisture from the skin but instead look to cleansers which balance and hydrate. Plus use hydrating treatment products such as a serum or a hydration masque. 
Do you live in a polluted area? If you live in an urban area your skin will be exposed to pollutants which may cause daily damage. How to fix it: Ensure you use antioxidant rich skincare products to combat the damaging effects of free radicals. Look for products which specifically mention anti pollution systems and incorporate a protective serum or finishing product into your regime. BUT  most importantly, remember to remove all daily grime at the end of the day. Follow a double cleanse routine to leave your skin free of all make up, dirt and daily pollution. 
Do you exfoliate? When old skin cells build up on the surface of the skin it can look dull and tired and can become congested. How to fix it:  Exfoliate regularly to remove dead cells and encourage new cells to the top. Your skin will be left looking fresh and healthy. Make sure you use products as directed and do not over stimulate sensitive skins. Look for innovative exfoliators with a triple action effect incorporating physical, enzymatic and fruit acid exfoliants. 
Have you slept? Sleep deprivation can result in reduced circulation and raised stress hormones both of which make skin appear dull. How to fix it: Obviously it is important to make sure you get enough rest to see your skin's healthy glow restored. However, if your lifestyle means this is temporarily impossible, give yourself a boost with an eye cream to lift and open your eyes and make you feel wide awake even if you are not! Plus use a serum to combat the effects of lifestyle stress. You may also wish to add an instant glow.
Has your skin changed with age? As we age our hormone balance changes causing skin to appear dull and also causing areas of hyper pigmentation. How to fix it: Use skincare specific to the age you are look for ingredients with skin brightening properties to help address hyperpigmentation marks and always protect against damaging UV rays
To find out more about pigmentation & dull skin, click here.
Want an immediate quick fix? Try ARK Skincare Radiance Serum - the one for glow seekers. Gives and instant healthy look to even the most tired skin.
Stephanie Pratt ARK Skincare Radiance review
"Radiance Serum is a miracle in a bottle. Obsessed is an understatement!" Stephanie Pratt, Actress


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