When did you last wash your makeup brushes? – ARK Skincare


When did you last wash your makeup brushes?



When did you last wash your makeup brushes? 

Dirty make up brushes can be responsible for the transfer of bacteria, viruses and fungi and can cause cold sores, acne flare ups, conjunctivitis or worse. One woman even contracted MRSA from sharing her friend's make up brush, which is pretty alarming. Read more here

There have been a number of studies into how much bacteria can live on make up and make up brushes, and one test of 35 brushes showed 58% had high recorded levels of bacteria with 34% of them having dangerously high levels of bacteria on them. Alarmingly it was found that 44% of 1000 people surveyed said that they have never cleaned their brushes!

Applying make up with dirty hands or brushes can allow the bacteria, viruses or fungi present to enter any broken skin causing skin irritations and infections. If you suffer with sensitivities, congested skin or acne you may want to reevaluate how hygienic your make up and make up brushes are. It could be one reason for your skin concerns. Go and clean those brushes now!

Did you know? 

Bacteria lives on our hands all the time. Many are totally harmless but some can be pathogens. Pathogens are bacteria or viruses which cause infection. 


Bacteria lives on our hands all the time. Many are totally harmless but some can be pathogens. Pathogens are bacteria or viruses which cause infection.

To ensure you do not transfer harmful bacteria into your skincare products use brands which have contamination free jars. That is, containers which you do not put your fingers in. If your skincare comes in an open pot or jar, make sure you use a spatula to access the cream or lotion. Putting your fingers into a jar, however clean you think they are, will transfer bacteria and allow them to multiply in the formulation.

All ARK Skincare products are housed in contamination free packaging. You can not put your fingers into any of our formulations to keep them hygienic. For example our moisturisers cleverly dispense from an airless jar via a push down pump.

Learn more about our award winning products on our website, at one of our partner salons or by giving our friendly customer service team a call on 0203 740 3303


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